设计 > 设计作品 > HAS design and research建筑事务所洪人杰作品|泰国MoMA现代铝博物馆 / HAS design and research

HAS design and research建筑事务所洪人杰作品|泰国MoMA现代铝博物馆 / HAS design and research

来源:中装新网时间:2024-11-08 14:26:31 评论 分享

01_MoMA creates a standout image on a fast-trafficking road ©W Workspace.jpg

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  • 10_The aluminum profiles become the dynimic wall ©W Workspace.jpg
  • 39_Side elevation ©HAS design and research.jpg
  • 41_The stacking volume is depicted in the first sketch ©HAS design and research.jpg
  • 42_Concept diagram ©HAS design and research.jpg
  • 43_Isometric diagram ©HAS design and research.jpg
  • 44_Detail ©HAS design and research.jpg
  • 50_A full-scale mockup can be used to check proportions ©HAS design and research.jpg
  • 56_South elevation ©HAS design and research.jpg
  • 57_North elvation ©HAS design and research.jpg
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泰国MoMA现代铝博物馆 / HAS design and research

MoMAMuseum of Modern Aluminum的缩写,项目源自于一群有雄心壮志的业主,以复兴铝在泰国的重要性为目标。泰国曾在20世纪末作为东南亚最大的铝材制造国,其多样又丰富的铝型材不仅满足本土市场,更一度以输出海外市场闻名;然而1997年无预警的亚洲金融危机(Asian Financial Crisis),促使泰国引以为傲的铝产业为了生存,以低价贩售铝型材给各地五金市场,导致杂乱的广告招牌、阳台围篱、底层扩建构成现今曼谷街头的景色。

MoMA正处于上述环境涵构中,它位于曼谷市郊最繁忙的交通枢纽,大量快速车流促使拉查府卢克路(Ratchaphruek Road)两旁充斥著各种商业招牌,其硕大干道可通往大皇宫(The Grand Palace)、大羅斗圈纪念广场(Wongwian Yai)、曼谷大学(Bangkok University)和柯叻岛(Ko Kret),而柯叻岛更是曼谷唯一的岛屿,十多年前岛上随处可见萤火虫,替曼谷市民提供一处自然之所。

HAS design and research
建筑事务所主持建筑师Jenchieh HungKulthida Songkittipakdee希望MoMA不仅作为大众空间,并可替忙碌的城市居民提供休憩场所。因此,建筑延续柯叻岛上的自然景观至项目场地。在白天MoMA就像一棵蒲公英,建筑悬挑构件随风摇摆,替繁忙又紧张的拉查府卢克路增加轻柔感;到了夜晚,MoMA摇身一变成为了萤火虫,替商业气息浓厚的拉查府卢克路增加一些生态感与松弛性。




设计公司:HAS design and research
主创建筑师:洪人杰(Jenchieh Hung)、Kulthida Songkittipakdee
设计团队:Jenchieh HungKulthida SongkittipakdeeJiaqi HanQinye Chen
铝幕墙技术:AB&W Innovation Co., Ltd.
铝幕墙顾问:Goldstar Metal Co., Ltd.
景观设计:TROP : terrains + open space
照明设计:Light Is
照明制作:Neowave Technology
施工单位:SL Window Co., Ltd.
摄影版权:W Workspace

Museum of Modern Aluminum Thailand / HAS design and research
MoMA is the abbreviation for Museum of Modern Aluminum. The project originated from a group of ambitious clients with the goal of reviving the significance of aluminum in Thailand. Thailand was once the largest aluminum manufacturer in Southeast Asia at the end of the 20th century. Its diverse and abundant aluminum profiles not only satisfied the local market but were once known for exporting to overseas markets. However, the Asian Financial Crisis hit without warning in 1997. This prompted Thailand's aluminum industry to sell aluminum profiles at low prices to hardware markets around the country in order to survive, resulting in the clutters of advertising signs, balcony fences, and ground floor extensions that make up the present-day Bangkok streetscape.

MoMA was born out of such an environment. It is located at the busiest traffic hub on the outskirts of Bangkok, where heavy traffic has led to a variety of commercial signs lining Ratchaphruek Road. The main roads lead to The Grand Palace, Wongwian Yai, Bangkok University, and Ko Kret, the only island in Bangkok. More than a decade ago, fireflies populated Ko Kret, making the island a natural retreat for Bangkokians. 

The founders and architects of HAS Design and Research, Jenchieh Hung and Kulthida Songkittipakdee, wanted MoMA to serve not only as a public space but also as a getaway for busy urban dwellers. The building extends the natural landscape of Ko Kret Island to the project site. During the day, MoMA is a dandelion, with its overhanging elements swaying in the wind, bringing softness and lightness to the busy Ratchaphruek Road; at night, MoMA transforms into a firefly, adding a sense of nature and peacefulness to the highly commercialized Ratchaphruek Road.

MoMA not only uses aluminum strips as display items, but also allows them to continue in the architecture, the interior, the landscape, as well as the lighting and furniture, creating a sense of totality inside and outside. The façade is clad with tens of thousands of aluminum strips, each with a slightly different color and texture, just like the feathers of a dandelion. The aluminum strips, combined with LED lighting, extend from the front façade to the two side façades, and then straight through the "tunnel" space on the west side, filtering and dampening the noise of the external environment and guiding visitors to the quiet exhibition place.

The aluminum strips on the façade not only provide a variety of lighting functions, but also shade the interior from excessive sunlight to maintain a comfortable interior environment. The flexibility of the exhibition space can meet a variety of display, reception, and activity needs. On the top floor, the enclosed landscape resembles a floating island with seasonal plants, creating an urban ecological site for fireflies to flourish.

The design process of MoMA began with the study of aluminum signboards commonly seen on the streets, and then used aluminum as an element to link the entire building. Through the investigation and research of aluminum profiles, a distinct architectural texture is created, and a new sense of vernacular is discovered in Thailand's concrete jungle.

Project Name: Museum of Modern Aluminum Thailand (MoMA)Project Location: Nonthaburi, ThailandArchitecture Firm: HAS design and research
Lead architects: Jenchieh Hung, Kulthida Songkittipakdee Design Team: Jenchieh Hung, Kulthida Songkittipakdee, Jiaqi Han, Qinye ChenAluminum Façade Technology: AB&W Innovation Co., Ltd.Aluminum Production Consultant: Goldstar Metal Co., Ltd.
Landscape Design: TROP : terrains + open space
Lighting Design: Light IsLighting Product: Neowave Technology
Constructor: SL Window Co., Ltd.
Site Area: 250 sq.m.
Gross Built Area: 400 sq.m.
Photo Credit: W Workspace



洪人杰(Jenchieh Hung).jpg

洪人杰(Jenchieh Hung) 

HAS design and research建筑事务所创始人、主持建筑师


Jenchieh Hung 

Co-Founder and Principal Architect, HAS design and research
Exhibition Chairman, The Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage
Visiting Professor, Chulalongkorn University and Tongji University


HAS design and research建筑事务所洪人杰(Jenchieh Hung)Kulthida Songkittipakdee创立,他们被誉为引领新世代的建筑师,其创新设计被英国《Wallpaper*》杂志收录为“世界建筑师名录”,同时为Wallpaper*建筑师名录创立20多年来,首次也是唯一被收录的泰国建筑事务所。Hung And Songkittipakdee(HAS)的代表项目包括Phetkasem Artist Studio入选泰国暹罗皇家建筑师协会年度大奖、Casa de Zanotta获澳大利亚INDE.年度大奖、The Glade Bookstore获英国Dezeen杂志评为十大中国最美书店、Forest Villa获美国Architonic评为全球十大生态足迹项目、Museum of Modern Aluminum Thailand获泰国威望大奖,并受邀刊登于《亚洲建筑师协会期刊》封面特辑,其作品广见于报纸杂志和电视频道,包括美国建筑师时报、意大利Domus、韩国SPACE、泰国Amarin等全球数百个媒体杂志报导。

Jenchieh Hung与Kulthida Songkittipakdee也于学院担任客座教授与设计评论教席,包括同济大学建筑与城市规划学院、朱拉隆功大学建筑学院、泰国国王科技大学建筑设计学院,并创立中泰建筑研究室(Chinese-Thai Research Studio),研究东南亚与泰国建筑,以及策划系列国际建筑展览。2023年Jenchieh Hung被任命为泰国暹罗皇家建筑师协会展览主席、首席策展人,在曼谷艺术文化中心(Bangkok Art and Culture Centre)举办大地无限建筑展,2024年在曼谷IMPACT国际展览中心策划集群语言—亚洲当代建筑展(Collective Language - Asian Contemporary Architecture Exhibition);Kulthida Songkittipakdee则被任命为泰国暹罗皇家建筑师协会博览会主席,致力于泰国当代建筑的国际声音。


Jenchieh Hung and Kulthida Songkittipakdee founded HAS design and research and they are recognized as leading architects in the new generation, renowned for their innovative architectural designs in the "World Architects Directory" by Wallpaper* magazine in the United Kingdom. Hung And Songkittipakdee (HAS) has built an international reputation through winning competition entries, with their work standing out for its synthesis of form, pattern, material, and technology into singular, irreducible constructions. Their projects have received widespread recognition on international platforms and have been featured in publications such as The Best Architects in Bangkok 2023, Six Asian Design Firms You Need to Know, and The Projects Reshaping Chinese Architecture Today. HAS design and research's innovative work has been celebrated with numerous awards and honors, including the Australia INDE. Award, Wallpaper* Architects’ Directory, Thailand Prestige Award, and the Designer of the Year Award.

In 2023, Jenchieh Hung was appointed as the Exhibition Chairman and Principal Curator of The Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage, curating the Infinity Ground Architecture Exhibition at the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (BACC), as well as the Collective Language - Asian Contemporary Architecture Exhibition for The Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage Exposition 2024 (ASA Architect Expo 2024) at the IMPACT Arena Exhibition and Convention Center. Alongside his design practice, he also serves as a Visiting Professor and Design Critics in Architecture at Tongji University, Chulalongkorn University, and King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi.

