HSD.(佛山)黄氏设计师事务所:恩山·海寿方舟民宿酒店设计 - 设计作品 - 中装新网-中国建筑装饰协会官方网站
设计 > 设计作品 > HSD.(佛山)黄氏设计师事务所:恩山·海寿方舟民宿酒店设计


来源:中装新网时间:2022-07-12 10:26:24 评论 分享


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  作品名称: 恩山·海寿方舟


  主案设计: 黄冠之


  工程地点: 佛山南海区九江镇海寿岛

  主要材料: 瓷砖、玻璃、皮革、乳胶漆

  竣工时间:2021 .10


  Project Name: Enshan - Haishou Ark

  Design company: HSD.(Foshan) Huang's Designer Office

  Main designer:Allenwong(Huang guanzhi)

  Participating designers: Huang Zhiyang, Tan Zhongsheng, Qin Tuiyan

  Project Location: Haishou Island, Jiujiang Town, Nanhai District, Foshan

  Main Materials: Tile, glass, leather, emulsion paint

  Completion date: 2021 .10

  Project area: 1100 square meters




  Design Description:

  "The moon sets and the crow cries frosty sky, the river maple and the fishing fire sleep with sorrow." The Wu-top boat in the water yard silently renders the beauty of the morning after the "Night Mooring on the Maple Bridge" and tells the origin of the "story" of the B&B. The boat turns into an oval, the canopy becomes an arch, the fishing gear becomes an artifact of emotional memory, the fisherman has long risen and lit the lamp ......

  Foshan Jiujiang Town, a typical town of fish and rice, is famous for its dragon boat culture and has a strong nostalgic flavor. The project is located within Haishou Island and consists of abandoned old buildings, small tiled houses, cattle pens and pig pens and ruins.

  The design adopts the concept of "survival-growth-new life", preserves the traces of time, refines the elements of dragon boat and fishing village, extracts the living customs and explores the current demand of "composite space" for travelers, and builds a place of "differentiation and romance" with the artistic language of "nature and local".

  Focusing on the experience of the worried guests, the building is connected by the way of "tour and view", from far to near, then from below to up, from near to far, then from outside to inside, moving from one step to another. The blue sky, tiled houses, Jiu Li Xiang, white bridges, boats, staircases and arches, one bright and one dark, one cold and one warm, the outside moving and the inside quiet, the lower east and the upper west, constitute a rich aesthetic mood and a pure and distant picture, outlining the life of fishing boats and building a romantic sanctuary that can be traveled and lived in.

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