CCD联名设计产品首秀2018米兰家具展 - 设计作品 - 中装新网-中国建筑装饰协会官方网站
设计 > 设计作品 > CCD联名设计产品首秀2018米兰家具展


来源:中装新网时间:2018-04-19 16:30:04 评论 分享


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  CCD's Jointly Designed Products will Debut at Salone del Mobile. Milano 2018


  From17th to 22nd April, 2018, the world's influential "Salone del Mobile.Milano 2018"(Milan International Furniture Fair2018)will be held in Milan, the fashion capital of Italy. CCD/Cheng Chung Design (HK) and Newform's first jointly designed sanitary ware products will be shown at the International Bathroom Exhibition during the57th Salone del Mobile. Milano. CCD is ranked as Top 3 of 100 Hospitality Giants by Interior Design Magazine, and this exhibition will start CCD's new identity as a product design firm at the international furniture fair.


  In its first show in Milan, CCD will bring two representative works in the jointly designed series. One is a set of basin and faucet named as "Lu", whose design was enlightened by natural vegetation, humanity and art. The inspiration came from the abstract form of tulip and the "Bird in Space" by sculptor Constant in Brâncuși;


  The other one is called "Yi", one of the ritual vessels in pre-Qin times of China, which was used for guests to wash their hands. The designers extracted and recombined the elements of bronze rural vessels from the Shang Dynasty of China, and made a "washing vessel" of the present era. This product symbolizes the reproduction of the classical spirit and allows contemporary people to regain the noble ritual sense of the state of ceremonies in daily life.


  CCD, as a world-renowned hotel design brand leader, will develop its own brand products in the product design field in line with market trends and customer needs. CCD chooses to make their debut on the field of home products through co-branded designs, which not only heralds the beginning of its new exploration of the global design interconnection, but also announces that CCD will cooperate with more excellent brands in the future, and will continuously improve the product design system, as well as try to open multi-channels (such as online and offline shops)for fashion buyers.


  About CCD

  CCD/Cheng Chung Design(HK)is ranked as #3 in Hospitality Giants 100 featured in US Interior Design magazine in October 2013—the only Asian design firm to break into Top 75. CCD was founded by Mr. Joe Cheng. Mr. Cheng is an outstanding designer who specializes in hospitality design and who has worked with most of the high-end international hotel brands. The diverse background of the team and its technological expertise allows it to keep abreast of new directions and innovations in the industry.

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