佛山知名设计师黄冠之丨院子·光影·故事 - 设计作品 - 中装新网-中国建筑装饰协会官方网站
设计 > 设计作品 > 佛山知名设计师黄冠之丨院子·光影·故事


来源:中装新网时间:2017-10-18 14:19:32 评论 分享


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  • 01.艺术梯间.jpg
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  项目地址: 佛山市乐从镇德富商务中心C1座顶层

  设计单位: HSD.(佛山)黄氏设计师事务所

  设计主创: 黄冠之

  设计团队: 黄冠之 黎啟康 刘丽君 梁永祥

  设计时间: 2016.2

  开放时间: 2016.9

  项目面积: 380

  主要材料: 竹制品、地砖、蓝玻、石头、树木、油漆

  摄影: 黄冠之 陈国龙



  Courtyard • light shadow • story

  The close relationship between the past and the future, and the proper expression of the present and the future, and the proper expression of the natural environment, architecture, space and human beings are the core issues of thinking.

  From architecture, landscape to the interior integration of original design is the designer's dream. The Rooftop is like a blank sheet of paper with good daylighting and ventilated. Designer borrow "the traditional courtyard houses" prototype to re-examine the source of traditional culture, by way of deconstruction and reconstruction, with contemporary gimmick to present architecture of open and closed space to surround close, build an aesthetic space, order and freedom to make modern and traditional, classical and fashionable dialogue dialogue, material and spiritual dialogue.The perspective of "front yard" and "atrium" reflect the perspective and depth of the space, which reflects the natural light and the precious air.The possibility of the space and the diversity of narration with the rich and changeable functional appeal;To continue the classic black and white color to interpret grace, with the alternation of black and white and red blue to deduce traditional and contemporary stories.

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