时境建筑设计作品:广西老干部活动中心 - 设计作品 - 中装新网-中国建筑装饰协会官方网站
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  Atelier Alter的老干部活动中心将本地竹木建筑原型通双层幕墙转译为现代空间



  客户: 广西老干部活动中心,广西城建投资集团有限公司

  地址 : 广西南宁市云景路,月湾路口

  建筑设计: Atelier Alter

  主要设计师: 卜骁骏 张继元

  项目建筑师: 潘文明 蒋萍 丘光宏

  设计团队: 黄懋贤 曾强 李振伟 覃凯


  本地结构机电:任重 何劲 陈家祥 覃东 冯穗媛 姜金峰 蒋雪华 庞宗乾 赵光

  景观建筑师: 丘光宏 蓝田 李凤燕

  建造商: 广西冶金建设公司,广西建工集团第五建筑工程有限责任公司

  成本: 8000万人民币

  面积: 17576.71平米,地上: 14510.17,地下: 3066.54

  时间: 2014年

  照片版权: Atelier Alter

  Senior Center by Atelier Alter reinterprets bamboo archetype with double facade

  The architecture of senior center of Guangxi departs from the humanistic aspect behind the project. The project means to create a space for the retirees, who spent most of their youth in culture revolution. Despite historic impacts, the “communal life” created in culture revolution has always been THE recollection of the time. The sense of belonging in the era of uncertainty offers a critic to the isolation and apathy of modernity.

  Our project tries to evoke that sense of belonging for our parents’ generation and the generations to come. With farming being the theme in “communal life”, the nature ground is where their collective memory based upon. Our space of resemblance is constructed through the manipulation of ground. In the urban scale, the site situates at the expending edge of urbanization. It confronts a higher datum of the preserved nature and a lower datum of the new developments. Our project reconciles the extremes in topography by creating a transition between the two through a series of shifting horizontal plates. In the architecture scale, we reinterpret the topography as a multi-level ground plane, with the underground space folds into the street level, and extend vertically into the second floor. As the ground plane keeps folding up, it forms the upper stories. We use a wood grain aluminum louver system to bring the drastic landscape to the interior, as a way to respond to the indigenous bamboo framing typology.

  Client: Bureau of Retired Veteran Cadres in Guangxi

  Urban Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. of Guangxi

  Architects: Atelier Alter

  Location: Intersection between Yunjing Road and Yuewan Road, Nanning, Guangxi

  Principals in charge: Xiaojun Bu, Yingfan Zhang

  Project Architect: Wenming Pan, Ping Jiang, Guanghong Qiu

  Design Team: Maoxian Huang, Qiang Zeng, Zhenwei Li, Kai Qin

  Local Architect: Guangxi Institute of Building Research & Design

  Civil/Structure/MEP Engineer: Guangxi Institute of Building Research & Design

  Landscape Architect: Guangxi Institute of Building Research & Design

  General Contractor: Guangxi Metallurgical Construction Company, Guangxi Construction Group Fifth Construction Engineering LLC.

  Cost: $12,967,440

  Area: 17576.71 SF

  Year: 2014

  Photographs: Courtesy of Atelier Alter


时境建筑设计事务所合伙人 卜骁骏


时境建筑设计事务所合伙人 张继元

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