来源:中装新网 时间:2013-04-09 11:30:24 [报告错误] [收藏] [打印]
Scenario Name :
Lacation:Changping Region,Beijing City
The indoor area:660㎡
Customer information:Chinese landscape painter
画家印象 ,厚重,朴实,言语不多,心地善良。在我对面,像座山。 画如其人,人如其房,所以我简笔淡墨,取消多余的装饰,回归本质。以极少的要素表达最多的信息。烟云溟濛的意趣,优美意境的抒发,将整个建筑空间与喧闹浮华的城市生活隔绝,以深刻的文化内涵,中国文人寄情山的情志,烘托清雅闲逸、含蓄脱俗的情境。
The impression that a painter gives us is simple, straightforward and good nature of inner heart. He is just like a mountain in front of me. what he paints is just like what he is and what he is is just like the room which he designs. Therefore, I canceled the unnecessary decoration and made the work regress to the origin so that it can put up the most information with least elements. The hazy artistic conception and expression of beautiful feeling isolated the whole constructed space from the noisy and fickle city. It showed the easy and comfortable, refined and elegant circumstances with the deep connotation and the interest that the Chinese express their motion by leaving them on the scenery.
利用原有的清水砖墙和灰色水泥墙体进行合理的空间组合,用模糊甚至是镜像空间的手法来诠释对家的理解。在看似无序的空间中建造开放与闭合的功能关系。同时在用材上必须采用大量未经加工的自然纯朴的材料,完全低碳环保,回归本质。通过大幅淡墨山水画,呈现山水画家的本质。在素雅的空间里用艺术品和经典的怀旧家具进行点缀,不仅仅是提升空间的视觉感受,更能表达一种平淡朴实、物尽其用的价值观。旧木与陶罐,以及石雕带来的是对童年的美好回忆。沉稳低彩度色调是一种对简单隐居生活的向往。 轻松开放的空间分割是想让家人在每天忙碌的步伐中慢下来,充分享受安静优雅的生活。
Supplementary information:
By using the original brick wall and the brown cement wall,we make a reasonable combination of space, and to explain the understanding of the artist by glimmer even mirror-space. We construct function relation between openness and closeness in the space which looks like to be disorder. At the same time, we must use crude natural materials to protect the low-carbon environment. and regress the origin, and we present the essence of the painter by using of a large light ink and wash painting. we put the arts and classic furniture to decorate the simple but elegant space because it can not only promote the feeling of vision but also can express a kind of value which is full of ordinary utilization. Obsolete wood, terrine, as well as the stone carving bring us the nice memory of childhood. and also the tone of cool color represent the yearning to the simple and hermit life.The relaxing spatial division lets the family slow down their hurry steps in the busy daily life and enjoy the peaceful and graceful life every day.
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