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来源:中装新网 时间:2014-09-30 11:52:13 [报告错误]  [收藏]  [打印]


  4 K/R




  K/R (Keenen/Riley) is a knowledge- and creativity-based practice with a focus and dedication to architecture and design. Led by John Keenen and Terence Riley, K/R engages its clients in strategic conceptualization that leads to highly distinctive environments, buildings, interiors, and experiences.

  With offices in New York and Miami, K/R’s collaborative effort has made distinctive contributions in architecture, master planning, urban design, interior design, museum planning, exhibition design, sustainability, and education.

  K/R has particularly distinguished itself in developing strategies for large-scale cultural projects for both urban and landscape sites. Currently, K/R is active in the US, China, Brazil, Spain, Italy and France.

  K/R 北京前门鲜鱼口项目提案是一个线性的城中城,目的在于两个层次,其一,强化并刺激城市历史的南北轴线;其二,通过聚集整合相邻社区的当前功能和需求来重新界定胡同边界,并提倡通过以最小化的侵介,最大化恢复胡同肌理与文化本身。



  K/R’s Beijing Qianmen Xian Yu Kou project is a linear city-within-a-city that functions on two levels: first, the proposal strengthens and invigorates the city's historic north-south axis; second, by aggregating the adjacent neighborhood's contemporary functional and social requirements the edge of the existing historic Xian Yu Kou hutong, the proposal allows for minimal intrusion and maximal restoration of the hutong itself.

  The diversity of spaces and experiences that run approximately 1.5 kilometers through historic Beijing - lakes, green spaces, public spaces, parks, roadways, and governmental terrain – suggest a continuous, walkable urban promenade along the major north-south axis that also threads through Xian Yu Kou. This urban promenade takes the form of a tectonic landscape that passes through and along the site, bordering the western edge of the hutong along Qianmen Dong Road, thereby connecting the neighborhood to a larger urban chain of public space. Incorporated into this landscape is a series of contemporary functional and social services and amenities that transform the adjacent hutong into a model of contemporary urban life. In addition, restoration of historic waterways and walkways strengthens the urban relationship between the hutong and the linear urban promenade.

  The introduction of additional housing, public park space, and social services are seen as a way to preserve the life and existence of Xian Yu Kou with minimal architectural intervention to the neighborhood itself. As part of a larger urban vector, it literally unites the hutong to Greater Beijing through a host of cultural programming and a linked and expandable landscape. This strategy accepts the hutong as is and calls for keeping the it intact, encouraging future renovation and restoration, thus allowing it to continue to function as a neighborhood, much the same way that the Xian Yu Kou neighborhood thrives to the east of Cao Chang San Tiao Road.

John Keenen

KR Terence Riley

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