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来源:搜狐家居设计师网 时间:2012-06-11 14:53:16 [报告错误]  [收藏]  [打印]



  Awards Invitation


  APDC 2012/2013 可持续前瞻设计大赛

  Welcome to:

  APDC Visionary Sustainable Design Awards 2012/2013

  APDC AWARDS 2011在无锡取得成功并圆满落幕。没有亲身参与组织这类赛事的人很难想象一个年轻的组织需要持续付出多大的艰辛,才能使得这样一场有意义的赛事完善地得以实现。

  The Asia Pacific Design Awards 2011 ended in Wuxi on a very encouraging and triumphant note. It could be difficult for those who have never been involved in the organization of such an event to imagine the continuous struggle that organizers must get through to produce a meaningful and well organized event.

  在此,感谢为这次大赛成功付诸努力和予以协助的无锡市人民政府、大赛评委、颁奖嘉宾、赞助商, 各大媒体和APDC亚太设计中心的全体工作人员们。

  Thank you for all those who have contributed to its success as jury members, speakers, sponsors, the Government of Wuxi, the Press and Medias and all the APDC team members.

  同时,也要恭喜所有大赛获奖设计师,并在此鼓励所有参赛设计师们为了下一届的赛事继续努力, 龙年可能将是你们收获的一年。

  We would like again, to congratulate all the winners and to encourage all participants to keep on fighting for the next awards; the black dragon year could be your winning award year!


  Without losing time, your APDC team is already at work to organize an event larger and more inclusive for 2012/2013. The event will be more comprehensive since the APDC Design Awards will also include Product Design under, still, a sustainable umbrella.


  Interior Design and Product Design are profoundly interconnected disciplines. Industrial designers create products that Interior Designers use in their projects. The more sustainable is the product designed by the product designer the more sustainable will be the interior design project.

  2012/2013 APDC 可持续前瞻设计大赛将推广更具商业价值,对人类乃至整个地球更有益的产品和室内设计项目。

  The “APDC Visionary Sustainable Design Awards 2012/2013” will be promoting interior design or products design projects that are more profitable for business, people and the planet.


  We invite people to present products and projects that, despite their different requirements, have adopted strategies to ensure that they have the desired sustainable effect. The jury will be particularly sensitive to projects designed with little or no negative impact on the environment in material production, manufacturing processes, packaging and transportation, use and disposal or even its second scheduled life. This will also go along the line for products being used by interior designers in their projects.


  Today, sustainability is measured according to their impacts on the environment, their financial achievement and their social suitability.


  Being sustainable is not an easy business when its success is measured on the “Bottom Line”; now we are talking about a triple bottom line where not only the profit is measured in terms of “money” but where the social and environmental issues are evaluated in terms of “profit and lost”

  v 环境可持续性

  v 社会可持续性

  v 经济可持续性

  v Environmental Sustainability

  v Social Sustainability

  v Financial Sustainability


  Sustainability therefore requires designers not to lose out in any of the 3 main subdivisions. Soon these three “exams” will professionally qualify you.


  Since sustainability is in an early age in many developing countries, the jury members will be given the latitude to determine if a products meeting only two of the basic subdivisions can be considered.


  Materials alone do not make something sustainable.


  Many products made of material recognized as non-eco-friendly like plastic can be considered sustainable if they have the ability to solve life-threatening problems, be essential to some communities’ development or improve the lives of people around the globe. Being sustainable can take many avenues for a multitude of extremely good reasons when expressed locally.

  不再赘言,亚太设计中心很高兴能够宣布和推出2012/2013 APDC可持续前瞻设计大赛。2011年赛事让我们对不断变化的世界设计环境加深了解,现在,我们希望继续沿着这条路为我们所有的设计同仁和客户谋福利。

  Enough rhetoric, APDC is happy to announce the launch of the APDC Visionary Sustainable Design Awards 2012/2013. The 2011 edition of the Awards taught us a lot about our world changing design environment and we wish to continue along this line for the benefit of all our design colleagues and clients.

  Claude Bérubé (郭儒贝)

  亚太设计中心/亚太室内设计师联盟 主席

  President of Asia Pacific Design Centre/ Asia Pacific Federation of Interior Designers


  历任 IFI国际室内建筑师设计师团体联盟主席

  历任 加拿大室内设计师协会 主席

  历任 加拿大魁北克市室内设计师协会主席

  历任 加拿大魁北克市工业设计师协会主席

  Past-President of the International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers (IFI)

  Past-President of Interior Designers of Canada (IDC)

  Past-President of Interior Designers of Québec (Canada)

  Past-President of Association of Industrial Designers of Québec (ADIQ)

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