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来源:中装新网    时间:2017-04-07 13:40:36   [报告错误]  [收藏]  [打印]
  核心提示:自从2001年进入东南大学建筑学院算起,我接触建筑设计已经17年。而从小时候咿咿呀呀摆弄积木搭成各种各样奇怪的“房子”算起,“营造”这个词已经跟了我三十多年。心手合一地建构自己与外部空间的关系,是我对 “营造”(相对于“建筑设计”,我更愿意用“营造”来指代我现在每天做的主要工作)这件事最基本的认知。

  自从2001年进入东南大学建筑学院算起,我接触建筑设计已经17年。而从小时候咿咿呀呀摆弄积木搭成各种各样奇怪的“房子”算起,“营造”这个词已经跟了我三十多年。心手合一地建构自己与外部空间的关系,是我对 “营造”(相对于“建筑设计”,我更愿意用“营造”来指代我现在每天做的主要工作)这件事最基本的认知。


  Since the start of my studentship in the School of Architecture at Southeast University in 2001, I have been engaged in architecture design for 17 years. While looking back at the time when I was still a toddler, stacking up toy bricks as various funny “houses”, the word “construction” has been with me for over 3 decades ever since. Regarding this very notion (instead of “architecture design”, I prefer to use the word “construct” to refer to my every day work),my fundamental understanding of it is to conscientiously build up our relations with the external space.

  My studio “Continuation” was founded two years ago, after my resignation from a large-scale domestic design company, with my intention to achieve my beliefs and values regarding architectures through practice. To construct, as for me, it is more of a way of thinking in order to comprehendthe world, but conducted through operations with strong orientations. That being said, in the progress of construction, the involved architectural elements, such as spaces, interfaces, materials, structures, and even the nature, will transcend their physical attributes, and weave the contents in relation to humanity, that is the traditions, the presents, culture and subculture, into a massive and complex network, while in which, the forms, with their subtle appearance, are subordinate to all the formers.

关键词: 杭州 设计师 范久江 从业感悟
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