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香港泛纳设计丨名镌别墅 人居空间与自然环境的和谐共生

来源:中装新网 作者:香港泛纳设计 时间:2018-07-18 14:51:58 [报告错误]  [收藏]  [打印]


香港泛纳设计丨名镌别墅 人居空间与自然环境的和谐共生


  Located in Shenzhen China, the design concept of this private villa aimed to echo the property's architectural design in boosting the natural environment to give harmony between interior and exterior spaces.

香港泛纳设计丨名镌别墅 人居空间与自然环境的和谐共生

  地面层包括起居室及餐厅,负一层包括瑜伽房、酒窖及室外泳池,顶层为主人房与客房 。贯穿整栋三层别墅的主要元素是垂直和水平的视觉联系和自然光线穿透, 目的使所有空间的界线模煳化。

  Ground Level covers living and dining areas, basement level covers yoga area, wine cellar and outdoor swimming pool, while top level covers master and guestrooms. Visual connection and natural light penetration in both vertical and horizontal directions were emphasized throughout this 3-storeyed villa to blur the spatial boundaries.

  量身打造的钢化玻璃和白色雷射切割扶手楼梯, 各自为室内及室外的垂直 动线提供了独特的空间体验, 虚实丶光影关係以不同手法产生。

  Unique experience of vertical circulations were introduced by custom-made indoor and outdoor staircases in tempered glass and white laser-cut steel balustrade respectively. Solid and void, light and shadow relationships were played with in different ways.

  整个项目采用了现代简约的材质和色彩方案以符合别墅主人低调奢华的生活品味 。室内外墙体皆为中性灰色调子, 主要建材包括灰色大理石及墙布、榉木木皮、 粉色系列家具及定制吊灯。

  A minimal material and color scheme were applied to fulfill the owner’s understated aesthetics preference and simple-luxury life style. Neutral toned spatial envelope was applied to overall exterior and interior walls. Key materials included gray marble and wall coverings, beech wood veneer, pastel-colored upholstered loose furniture and custom-made pendant light fittings.

  名镌别墅 Signature Hills Villa


  Project Location: Shenzhen, China


  Area: 1000 sq.m


  Completion Date: May 2018


  Design: PANORAMA

  主创设计: 潘鸿彬  设计团队:郑珮华 黄颖彫

  Design Team: Horace Pan, Chhavi Cheng, Rachel Wong


  Photographer: Ng Siu Fung

1 Floor Plan

1 Floor Plan

2 floor plan

2 floor plan

















  潘鸿彬,着名为不同商业空间种类创造独特及叙事性体验的香港设计师,毕业于香港理工大学设计学院分别取得室内设计学荣誉学士及设计学硕士,2003年创立屡获殊荣的PANORAMA泛纳设计事务所。公司业务包括室内设计及品牌策划,作品在世界各地设计大赛中荣获超过150个奖项,包括德国iF设计大奖及红点设计大奖,美国IIDA Global Excellence设计大奖 及IDA 设计大奖,日本JCD设计大赏100强,台湾TID设计大奖,英国FX设计大奖及Restaurant & Bar设计大奖入围,星加坡SIDS设计大奖及INSIDE设计大奖优异奖,荷兰FRAME Great Indoors Awards提名,中国最成功设计大奖,金指环-iC@ward全球室内设计大奖,APIDA亚太室内设计大奖, HKDA香港设计师协会环球设计大奖,PDRA透视室内设计大赏及入围DFA亚洲最具影响力设计大奖。作品屡被收录于不少国际书籍和杂志上,如荷兰的FRAME,日本的World Hyper Interiors,新加坡的ISH及d+a,韩国的Interior World及bob等。


  潘氏于2008及2010年分别获颁香港十大杰出设计师大奖及中国优秀创新企业家,中国室内设计2015-16年度封面人物殊荣 。 2011年台湾国际室内设计大展被邀参展的10位国际设计师中唯一华人。2014年获颁深港杰出成就设计师大奖以表扬其为室内设计行业过去十年发展所付出之贡献。2016及2017年分别为香港APIDA亚太室内设计大奖及日本JCD设计大奖担任国际评委。

  Horace Pan

  Founder, PANORAMA

  Assistant Professor, School of Design, HK PolyU

  Vice Chairman, Hong Kong Interior Design Association

  2011-14 Executive Board Member, International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers (IFI)

  Horace Pan, a Hong Kong design figure famous for creating story-telling and unique spatial experiences of various commercial interior disciplines, obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree in Interior Design and Master of Arts degree in Design from School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He established his award-winning design practice PANORAMA in 2003. The company provides consultancy services in Interior Architecture & Branding Solution and receives over 150 international awards including Germany’s iF Design Awards & Red Dots Awards, US’s IIDA Global Excellence Awards & IDA Design Awards, Japan’s JCD Design Awards Best 100, Taiwan’s TID Design Award, UK’s FX Design Awards, Restaurant & Bar Design Awards Finalist, Singapore’s SIDS Design Award & INSIDE Awards Finalist , Netherland’s Great Indoors Awards Highly Commended, China’s Most Successful Design Awards, The Ring - iC@ward International Interior Design, Hong Kong’s Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards, Hong Kong Designers Association Global Design Awards, Perspective Design Recognition Awards and Design for Asia Awards Finalist. Projects have been featured in numerous international design magazines & journals, e.g. Netherland’s FRAME, Japan’s World Hyper Interiors, Singapore’s d+a, Korea’s Interior World & bob, Taiwan’s Interior & CONDE.

  Pan is frequently invited to be the guest speaker of international design conferences and seminars. HeH He now furthers his professional career in the field of design education and is the assistant professor at School of Design, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and serving as the Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Interior Design Association and 2011-14 Executive Board Member of the International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers (IFI).

  Pan received Hong Kong Ten Outstanding Designers Award and China Entrepreneur Award in 2008 & 2010 respectively, 2015-16 Designer of the Year in China. Pan was the only Chinese among the 10 invited international designers in 2011 Taiwan International Interior Design Exhibition. In 2014 Pan received Hong Kong & Shenzhen Outstanding Achievement Designer Award in recognition of his contribution to the interior industry development over the past decade. In 2016 & 2017 Pan was respectively invited as international judge for Hong Kong’s APIDA Award and Japan’s JCD Award.

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