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来源:朵拉看印尼    时间:2023-11-11 10:56:00   [报告错误]  [收藏]  [打印]


PT.Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) is a Limited Liability Company established by Foreign Investors (PMA), either by individual foreign nationals (foreigners), foreign business entities, and/or foreign governments that aim to carry out investments in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.



PT. PMA providing Construction Services shall be a joint venture between a foreign construction service company (PT. PMA) and a local construction service company (National BUJK) established in the form of a Limited Liability Company (PT).

根据《第03/PRT/M/2016号印度尼西亚公共工程和住房部部长条例:授予建筑服务营业执照给外商投资建筑企业的相关规定》,外商建筑服务公司需办理外商投资建筑服务营业许可证 (Izin Usaha Jasa Konstruksi (IUJK) PMA).

According to the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia Number 03/PRT/M/2016 concerning the Technical Guidelines for Granting Construction Services Business Licenses for Foreign Investment Construction Business Entities, each PT. PMA is required to obtain a Foreign Investment Construction Services Business License (Izin Usaha Jasa Konstruksi (IUJK) PMA).




The terms and conditions to conduct Foreign Investment in the Construction Services Sector are as follows:

依据《2016年第44号印度尼西亚总统法令:禁止投资和限制投资的行业清单》,由外商投资的建筑服务公司,外商持股比例最高为 67%;

Ownership of Foreign Capital must comply with the statutory limitation for a maximum foreign capital ownership, that is 67% for the Construction Services sector, in accordance with the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 44 of 2016 concerning the List of Closed Business Fields and Opened Business Fields with Requirements in the Investment Sector.

提供建筑服务和综合性建筑服务的外商投资企业需持有实缴资本或净值为 500亿印尼盾(约合人民币2,354万元),而提供建筑规划和监督服务的外商投资企业需持有实缴资本或净值为 250亿印尼盾(约合人民币1,176.7万元)

PT. PMA must have a minimum paid up capital or net worth above Rp.50,000,000,000,- (fifty billion rupiah) for construction services and integrated construction services, or Rp.2,500,0

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